Why should I register with Urgent Hiring?
Urgen Hiring helps you to find the right job matching your aspirations. Registering with urgenthiring.in enables you to: – 1. Access and apply in one-click jobs as per your demand 2. Get your CV viewed by multiple recruiters who will contact you with un-advertised jobs 3. Get the best jobs delivered to your inbox 4. Apply to jobs from mobile 5. Keep track of what happens to your applications
How does Urgent Hiring work?
Urgent Hiring is a platform where recruiters and jobseekers can discover each other. Recruiters benefit from Urgent Hiring as they can advertise their jobs to jobseekers. Jobseekers can discover over 5 lakh jobs posted on Urgent Hiring and apply to them. There are two ways to get a job on Urgent Hiring. 1. Apply to jobs – Once you apply to a job listing on Urgent Hiring, we automatically send your application to the recruiter. The recruiter will view your resume and the profile details that you have filled in your Urgent Hiring profile. If they find it suitable, they will contact you to schedule an interview 2. Get discovered by recruiters – If you have created a profile on Urgent Hiring, your profile will be a part of the Urgent Hiring jobseeker database. Not all jobs are posted on Urgent Hiring. Many times, recruiters on Urgent Hiring search through our database to find someone who matches the criteria for a role they are hiring. If they find your profile suitable, they may contact you directly to schedule an interview. Please note that Urgent Hiring is not a recruitment consultancy.
What does “Your profile is x% complete” mean? / Why should my profile be 100% complete?
It is important to have a complete profile on Urgent Hiring as it increases your chance of recruiters noticing and your profile and contacting you. For example, recruiters are 40% more likely to contact profiles with a photo than profiles without a photo. Each field in your Urgent Hiring profile has been assigned a certain % weight and completing these fields would increase your overall profile completion percentage. If your profile completion score is less than 100%, it means that some important fields are incomplete in your profile and you need to fill them. We recommend you to have a profile completion score close to 100% so that it gives you the best chance to find a job and get the best results at Urgent Hiring. Moreover, keep updating your Urgent Hiring profile so that recruiters can see your latest accomplishments. This would ensure that you always maintain your edge on Urgent Hiring and do not miss opportunities.
Does it cost to create a Urgent Hiring profile?
No, creating a profile on Urgent Hiring.com is absolutely Free of Cost. Applying to jobs in Urgent Hiring is also Free of Cost
I can’t remember the password for my account. How can I login again?
If you have forgotten the password of your account, you need to reset it. An OTP will be sent to your registered email address, which can be used to set a new password To reset your password: 1. Click on the Forgot Password? link on the Login Page. 2. Enter either your user name or the e-mail address with which you created your profile. Click Go. 3. We send an email to your registered email address with a Password. In case you have not received the email, check the spam and junk folders of your inbox. 4. Enter this Password in the Login field and click Login.
How can I apply for a job on Urgent Hiring?

You can search for jobs that have been posted by companies and recruiters on Urgent Hiring based on key skills, job title/designation or company names. You can also specify location, minimum work experience and minimum salary expected, before searching. If you get hundreds of jobs, you can narrow down your search by using filters. If you do not want to apply to a job right away, you can save the job and apply later. If we show, “No Results Found” for your search result, we recommend you to broaden the search by reducing your filters and criteria while also checking for spelling mistakes in your query.
Applying for jobs on Urgent Hiring is simple. To apply for jobs-

1. Register on Urgent Hiring to create a Urgent Hiring profile.
2. Fill details in your Urgent Hiring i profile. These details will be shown to the recruiter when you apply for a job. Based on these details, the recruiter may shortlist you for an interview.
3. Search for jobs. Click on a job posting to which you would like to apply.
4. Click Apply button to apply to the job with your Urgent Hiring profile.
5. If you see Apply on Company Website button, you cannot apply for this job with your Urgent Hiring profile. You will be taken to the company’s career page where you may be asked to fill out an application online

When can I expect a response after I apply to a job?
Urgent Hiring automatically sends all applications made by you to the Employers posting the Jobs. Thereafter, it is up to the Employer to respond to your Job application. Urgent Hiring is just a platform that lets you discover Jobs and Employers to receive your applications. However, you can track the status of your application on “Application Status” page.
Do I need to pay to apply to a job or get an interview call? / Recruiters are asking me to pay to schedule interview for job?

No. You can apply to jobs for FREE on Urgent Hiring
Note that genuine recruiters do not ask for money to schedule interviews or offer a job. If you are receiving such calls or emails, beware as this might be a job scam.
We regret that sometimes, despite our best efforts, false job postings are listed online, and non-existing job offers are sent via email to illegally collect personal information and/or money from unsuspecting job seekers. Please note that Urgent Hiring does not approve of, or represent any employer or recruiter sending such fraudulent communication, which in fact are a violation of the Terms and Conditions. In such cases, we remain vigilant every day – When we receive complaints from Jobseekers about fraudulent or suspicious emails, we promptly notify the concerned employer client and, if necessary, block them from using our services. Report such cases to [email protected]
On basis of past complaints from jobseekers, we encourage you to be wary of the following:
1. Do not share your personal, non-work related information such as Credit Card numbers or Bank information over phone or email
2. Do not provide a call back phone number or provide contact information that is outside the country
3. Do not trust anyone asking for any kind of payment for Job Applications, conducting interviews, or any other such employment/recruitment related purpose
4. Beware of anyone promising a guaranteed job/interview call
5. Beware of calls/emails from people claiming to be Urgent Hiring employees. Only emails from [email protected] domain belong to that of Urgent Hiring employees
Before you respond to such communication, we suggest you to do a discreet enquiry and be sure to verify the legitimacy of the employer with whom you are interacting.

What does “Your profile is x% complete” mean? / Why should my profile be 100% complete?
It is important to have a complete profile on Urgent Hiring as it increases your chance of recruiters noticing and your profile and contacting you. For example, recruiters are 40% more likely to contact profiles with a photo than profiles without a photo. Each field in your Urgent Hiring profile has been assigned a certain % weight and completing these fields would increase your overall profile completion percentage. If your profile completion score is less than 100%, it means that some important fields are incomplete in your profile and you need to fill them. We recommend you to have a profile completion score close to 100% so that it gives you the best chance to find a job and get the best results at Urgent Hiring. Moreover, keep updating your Urgent Hiring profile so that recruiters can see your latest accomplishments. This would ensure that you always maintain your edge on Urgent Hiring and do not miss opportunities.
I deleted my Urgent Hiring account. Can I get it back?
No. Once you have deleted your account, you cannot restore it.
How can I update the email id and phone number on my Urgent Hiring account?
Please note that the login email cannot be edited. However, you have the flexibility to update your phone number and the email address through which employers can contact you.
I do not want my current employer to have access to my profile. How can I block a recruiter?
No, currently you cannot block recruiter.
How do I know if a call or email from Urgent Hiring is fake or genuine?
Please note that Urgent Hiring doesn’t ask you to pay for applying to jobs or for getting an interview. We are neither a recruitment firm nor a labor consultant company. We are a platform that connects job seekers and employers. Searching for jobs and applying for jobs on Urgent Hiring is free for all job seekers. Email Here [email protected]
What are job scams? How to identify a job scam?

You can identify a job scam using the following signs-
1. No experience required: Be cautious of the ads that say “anyone can do the job!”
2. On the spot hiring/tele interview: Reliable companies conduct thorough research to analyze their potential employee before issuing an offer letter
3. Demands you to pay money:NEVER PAY MONEY TO GET A JOB! No legitimate company will ever ask you to pay for the job!
4. Salary beyond expectations: Spammers often lure desperate job seekers with high salary packages!
5. You are asked to reveal personal information/ bank details:Please do not share personal information or credit card/ debit card number, OTP, CVV number.
6. Poorly written job ads:Poor writing skills, incorrect grammar and unclear job descriptions are signs of a dubious job offer
7. Personal email accounts:Genuine companies always display their web presence. In case of consultants, apply due diligence for whom they are hiring
8. No knowledge about the hiring company and job role:Be alert! Legitimate companies do have some web presence and require at least some qualification and skill for all job roles

How can I protect myself from job scams?

Top ways to avoid job scams are-
1. Do not share personal information including Aadhaar, Passport number, etc
2. Do not share credit/debit card details, CVV number, OTP
3. Do not disburse any payment either on their website or through account transfer
4. Conduct thorough research of the company
5. Check online reviews of the company

I got a call/email from recruiter asking for money. What should I do?
Please do not provide your credit card or debit card details, bank information, CVV number or OTP number over phone, email or on their website. Before your respond to any email/ call, we suggest you to do a discreet enquiry and be sure to verify the authenticity of the person with whom you are interacting. You can also write to us at care.urgenthiring.in
How can I update the email id and phone number on my Urgent Hiring account?
Please note that the login email cannot be edited. However, you have the flexibility to update your phone number and the email address through which employers can contact you.
I do not want my current employer to have access to my profile. How can I block a recruiter?
No. Currently we don’t have specific feature to block the employer
What are Categories?

Categories typically represent the functional areas or types of jobs available. Examples include IT, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Engineering, Sales, and more.
– Job categories help job seekers navigate the portal based on their specific skills, qualifications, and interests.
– By selecting a category, job seekers can narrow down their search to positions that align with their expertise and career preferences.

What are Industry?

– Industry classification categorizes jobs based on the sector or field in which the hiring company operates. Examples of industries include Information Technology, Healthcare, Finance, Manufacturing, Retail, and so on.
– It helps job seekers identify opportunities within specific sectors that match their industry experience or interests.
– Industry information is valuable for recruiters and employers seeking candidates with relevant background knowledge and expertise in a particular field.

As a fresher, how do I update my profile?

If you are a fresh jobseeker looking for opportunities on Urgent Hiring, you can fill the following fields in this manner-
1. About Me: Enter full detail about yourself, also describing your field of interest
2. Job Title: Enter “Fresher/trainee”
3. Experience: Please choose the value “Fresher” from the drop-down
4. Resume: This is usually the first thing that a recruiter notices about your profile. So make sure that it provides an overview of your profile and career preferences. For e.g. “BA Graduate looking for Sales role in Retail Industry”.

I am having trouble uploading my CV. How do I upload it?
Please try reducing the size of your document to less than 5 MB. You may try switching formats between one of pdf, word doc or word docx to see which one gives the least size. If you have added a photo or any other pictures to your document CV, please try removing them from the CV. You can always attach a photo to your Urgent Hiring profile separately. If you are not able to upload a CV with size less than 5MB, your file may be corrupted. Try changing the format of the CV file (maybe word to .pdf) and upload again.
How do I search for jobs on Urgent Hiring?
You can search for jobs that have been posted by companies and recruiters on Urgent Hiring based on key skills, job title/designation or company names. You can also specify location, minimum work experience and minimum salary expected, before searching. If you get hundreds of jobs, you can narrow down your search by using filters. If you do not want to apply to a job right away, you can save the job and apply later. If we show, “No Results Found” for your search result, we recommend you to broaden the search by reducing your filters and criteria while also checking for spelling mistakes in your query. Here’s how you can search for the right job on Urgent Hiring: 1. Go to Urgent Hiring and click on the search bar at the top 2. In the search bar, type a keyskill, job designation or company name. You can also use Boolean search to refine your search query. 3. You can type multiple terms in the search bar. An example would be search as “java, javascript, software engineer” which combines both keyskills such as ‘java’ and ‘javascript’ with the designation ‘software engineer’. This would look for all three terms to display job listings. 4. Type the location where you would like to get a job in the location field. Select the work experience in years for which you want to see jobs in the work experience field. Select the minimum salary for which you would like to see jobs. 5. Click Search 6. Use filters such as Industry, Salary range, Location, Categories, and Job Types to get more accurate results. These are found on the left side of the search results. 7. You can click the Sort by By (how long ago the job was posted) 8. Click Apply or Apply on Company Website to apply for the job.
I do not want my current employer to have access to my profile. How can I block a recruiter?
How can I stop getting emails from Urgent Hiring?

If you have found a job and you do not want to receive daily emails from Urgent Hiring.com,
1. Click on your profile name at the top right corner of the screen
2. Click on Find Jobs . Here, go to Jobs from Alerts
3. Delete the Job Alerts you created
4. This would ensure that you do not get any emails

Do you have an Android App?
No, we are working on it
I have another question...
Just email us- [email protected]
Can I save the Jobs
Yes, you can the save the jobs 1) Go to the job 2) Click on the “heart” icon, situated on the top right corner. 3) Your job is saved
Can I apply to the same job multiple times?
How long does it take to get a response from the recruiter?
We merely act as a mediator between you and the recruiter and thus we can’t urge them for speedy responses, or even to respond to your application for the job. Further, the promptness of the response may depend on the recruiter itself or sometimes on your resume/qualifications.